Monday, December 28, 2009

Look who just turned 65!

Patricia and Victor drove down to the ranch to see Katelyn, Kristi, and Lex, and surprised me with this birthday banner. No one ever had a better sister than me.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sitting by the fire

We built a fire at the ranch pulled up some chairs and enjoyed the afternoon.
Here Great Aunt Patricia is holding Katelyn as she is checking out the new surroundings.

Katelyn gets a feel of the dirt on her tootsies as she poses with her Mom and Dad. Yes, that is a knife Lex is holding. He has been peeling turnips he picked not far from where he is. I threw out some seed with the oats I planted for the deer.

Katelyn's Tree at the Ranch

Katelyn dressed up in her camo outfit and went to the ranch. While there she posed by her tree. Later she went and sat by a fire her Dad built so we could be warm while we sat and visited with her Great Aunt Patricia and Uncle Victor who had come to see her.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Plenty of Cats

The cameras are confirming what I already knew.... that there are plenty of Bobcats.

Rattling results...

My only rattling effort today resulted in these two young bucks. One was a spike and the other looked like a four point. It was really windy as a new norther had just blown in. I had seen a doe cross the sendero acting like she was trying to hide from what I guessed was a buck trailing her. Anyway, I shut down the mule and hid behing an agarita bush and tried rattling. Here is what appeared. I'm guessing there was a larger buck somewhere close but I never saw it.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Which way did she go?

This buck goes by in front of the camera going East then six minutes later crosses again going to the West. Notice the oats growing in the sendero. What a difference a couple of months makes. We went from a bad drought to a wet winter.