Saturday, August 28, 2010

A nice discovery... two different deer!

This deer I've named "Shiner". I had been thinking that it was "Ace" but something about the arrangement of the antlers kept bothering me. Compare this deer and the one below.
If you look closely you can see the difference. Notice how the G4s on Ace slant inward. Also notice the slight difference in the left brow tines. Shiner at the top is four years old and Ace at the bottom is seven. I'm guessing Shiner is an offspring of one of the does I got from the Shiner ranch soon after I high fenced and was fathered by a buck on that ranch. Ace is a native that was two when the fence went up.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Katelyn's First Birthday

Katelyn and her Mommy and Daddy in front of her beautiful birthday celebration table just before the guests arrived!
Here's the Birthday Girl, ready for her smash cake to arrive!

Mommy made Katelyn's little cake AND a whole bunch of cute cupcakes for this special occassion...what a talented Mommy Katelyn has!

Can you put a word to this expression---it looks like sheer delight to me! Or maybe it is something like 'Is this really for ME?'

Let's see...I am going to be dainty like a nice little girl is supposed to be....NOT!

It's my cake and I am lovin' each and every minute I get to smash and taste it!

I am having one great time---and if you haven't noticed, check out my fancy feathered hat Mommy made for me to wear! Polka dots everywhere!

We just hated to leave the Poths of South Carolina, but we had a wonderful time with them and can't wait to be back as soon as possible! Katelyn's birthday was super, Lex and Kristi, and we are so glad to be a part of the celebration weekend!

Friday, August 06, 2010

They say that acorns fall close to the tree...

How about these two? Big "Ace" on the left and little "Ace" on the right. Ok? Lets try that again.
Little "Ace" on the left and big "Ace" on the right. Now you've got it I bet.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010


These bucks' antlers will continue to grow during the month of August then they will begin to scrape out and remove the "velvet" beginning about the fourth week of September.