One of the things that stand out in my mind about our Grandmother, "Mammaw" as we called her, was that she really didn't like storms of any kind. A loud clap of thunder would have her off to find the jar of "Holy" water which she would sprinkle about the house. She must have had a bad experience with storms is the thing I guess happened.
She and "Pappy" as we called our grandfather married when she was thirty and I think he was thirty-four. They raised eight children. Four girls, Mother, Aunts Patty, Rosemary, and Johnnie, and four boys, Uncles Tom, Burt, Bob, and Don.
Pappy served Wilson County as Sheriff for twenty years. When he died there were so many people at the funeral that there were more standing outside the church than were inside. Someone observed that when the herse arrived at the cemetary some three miles distant that cars were still leaving the Church. When the family was talking about how many people had come to the funeral Uncle Bob said that half came to pay their respects and half were there to make sure he was gone. He said it jokingly but, it is said that he served his twenty years without ever once wearing a pistol.
They raised all of us to be an extended family. It continues to be fun to be part of a family that truly enjoyes each other. My Dad often would say, "There is nothing to a Carnes like another Carnes".
I am administrator of Talk of Wilson County Tx Historic Towns. Will you please contact me at Busybojo@gmail.com?
Thank you.
Somehow we are related. I believe Alfred Burton Carnes is a sibling of Tommie Cole Carnes. Tommie married Hiram Dillard Neal. Tommie and Hiram were my great-grandparents. They had two children, Hereschell D. and Marechal Neal. Hereschell married Sara Dickinson and had one child, H. Dickinson Neal. H. Dickinson Neal is my father. I am just diving into genealogy with the information I already know. I’m surprised at what I am finding out along the way. I would love to chat with you sometime. My email is jenjln1073@aol.com.
Somehow we are related. I believe Alfred Burton Carnes is a sibling of Tommie Cole Carnes. Tommie married Hiram Dillard Neal. Tommie and Hiram were my great-grandparents. They had two children, Hereschell D. and Marechal Neal. Hereschell married Sara Dickinson and had one child, H. Dickinson Neal. H. Dickinson Neal is my father. I am just diving into genealogy with the information I already know. I’m surprised at what I am finding out along the way. I would love to chat with you sometime. My email is jenjln1073@aol.com.
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