Thursday, August 10, 2006

Letter Jackets

Patricia and me sporting letter jackets. Patricia has on Victor's which was a big deal for dating couples then. The girl wore the guy's jacket so all of the other guys would know they were going "steady". Me, I'm wearing a jacket with "F" for Floresville which I got as playing on the winning Little League team that year. I was eleven then. The next year Poth had their first team when I was twelve. Poth won the area Little League Chanpionship that year when I was twelve. I got a jacket with a "P" for winning that year too. The teams we played were from neighboring towns, Stockdale, La Vernia, Floresville, and Nixon. I remember girls in Junior High thinking it was "hot stuff" to talk us in to letting them put it on. I guess they wanted to be like the older girls. I can remember all of us guys at that age being more interested in hunting, fishing, and all other things besides girls.

1 comment:

Fred and Sandra said...

It also looks like this was the year I caught my sister in height. She would have been fourteen.